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Thursday, September 19, 2024

January, 2012 Archive

Car Buying Advice: Easy Tips on How to Make Your Car More Fuel Efficient & Save Money! Part 2

In the previous post, we talked about how having a well-tuned engine will give you better fuel economy. But making sure that the engine is in proper working condition is only the start. Here is the next tip on how you can cut down on fuel expenses. Tip 2: Always Check the Tire Pressure Admit […]

Car Buying Advice: Easy Tips on How to Make Your Car More Fuel Efficient & Save Money!

If you are currently the owner of a modern car, or one that is not more than 3 years old, then you are in luck. New cars were developed to be more fuel efficient compared to older cars. New cars only require basic maintenance in order to produce high levels of fuel economy. Of course, […]