7 Tips To Find The Best Extended Warranty For Cars

New automobiles are expensive and so are repairs. Have you considered an extended warranty? There are many types of extended warranties out there and plenty of companies that sell them. To help you decide if you do need one, the BuyingAdvice.com team has put together these 7 helpful tips:

  1. If your warranty term is long enough, you probably don’t need to worry. Hyundai’s 10-year warranty is one of the best in the US. If your warranty doesn’t last that long or you want coverage beyond the standard term and don’t mind double coverage, keep in mind that you can save money by purchasing an extended warranty when the car is new rather than after the manufacturer’s warranty has expired.
  2. Know your options. You may be interested in wear and tear warranty or one of the many different types of extended warranties. Be sure to ask about mechanical breakdown coverage, which can be purchased for used cars as well.
  3. We recommend you choose comprehensive coverage. This way you’ll have assurance that the extended warranty will cover large repair costs that are difficult to fork out all at once.
  4. Avoid the middle man (the auto dealer). Research extended warranties online. This way you can comparison shop, request several quotes and save the middle man’s commission.
  5. If you do purchase it from a car dealership, don’t let the auto salesperson include your extended warranty into your car loan. Why make interest payments on your warranty, too?
  6. Verify the transfer and cancellation policies on your warranty. Many extended car warranty plans let you to transfer the warranty to a different person if you sell the car. Keep in mind that a good plan should allow you to cancel the warranty and refund a portion of what you’ve paid.
  7. Before you let a mechanic perform the needed repairs on your car, make sure they are approved through your warranty.

If you need more help deciding if an extended warranty is for you, check out our advice on whether to buy a extended warranty or not. And when you need quotes from local dealers, you can get them online, right here are BuyingAdvice.com. Click here to select your preferred model and dealerships.

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