4 Discounts for Cheaper Car Insurance

Obtaining cheaper car insurance depends on your profile as a driver and the different discounts you can get. Auto insurance is calculated based on your age, your driving record, the car you own, the zip code you live in, and your credit score. If the variables align in the right way, you might be able to get a discount.

At the same time, some insurance companies offer special discounts to specific types of customers. For example, some insurers offer discounts to military personnel. Others offer discounts to teachers or college students. You may or may not qualify for any of these demographic discounts, however. The good news is that the following discounts generally apply to you no matter where you live, which car you drive, how old you are, or what you do for a living:

  • Safe driver’s discount: It’s offered for having a clean driving record with no tickets or accidents and generally applies after three or five years of no traffic violations or at-fault accidents.
  • Auto safety discount: Safety features such as ABS and airbags, anti-theft devices or vehicle recovery system may decrease your premium.
  • Multi-car and Multi-line discount: It’s given for having more than one car or more than one type of car insurance policy with the same company.
  • Renewal discount: It’s offered for staying with the same automobile insurance company without having any accidents, as opposed switching providers or letting the policy expire. However, don’t let this incentive stop you from switching to another provider if you’re dissatisfied with your current one.

These discounts may vary depending on the auto insurance provider you choose and the state you live in. Also, you might not save any money even if you’re offered heavy discounts. The savings may be offset high premiums. Compare policies carefully before you sign up.

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