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Saturday, February 22, 2025

“Deals” to Avoid When Buying a New Car this December

As end of year’s car sales best time approaches, it is time to also prepare yourself to not getting tricked into a car deal that will represent you losing money.

According to recent stats, Ford, Chrysler and GM already doubled sales last November. It is expected for sales to grow even more from now until end of year, as many car makers need to clear off their lots and get rid of older models.

Be prepared to deal with aggressive car salesmen and loan officers, they will approach you with very appealing car and lease deals. These deals won’t represent the biggest of all scams, but can add up to a couple thousand of dollars, which in the end do represent a big loss of money.

Here at, we want to give you 3 good tips to avoid this situation:

  • Read carefully. Take your time to read every piece of paper they give you when you sign a contract. Look for hidden fees, go through the invoice at least 2 times.
  • Be aware of financing managers. Often, they will try to offer you a long term loan, this represents, paying for a car you can’t afford. By the time you end up paying the total, the car has lost its value. Choose carefully and always go for the shortest term loan.
  • Do you own research at home. Pick 1-5 models you would like to have and look them up online, request free price quotes, do some math.

Following the above could save you a bad experience when buying a new car. Have a nice Holiday Car Shopping Experience!