Are Electric-Gas Hybrid Cars The Way Of The Future?

Well it depends on who you talk to. We have come a long way in the Hybrid market and initial costs of electric-gas Hybrids have become much more competitive than in past years, while gas costs continue to skyrocket.

“I think now, people are seeing this is going to be a trend that continues. Gas prices are going to continue to rise. So I think other manufacturers are stepping it up as well,” Toyota Products Specialist Chris Petschler said.

Though many feel the math doesn’t pencil out for a vast majority of consumers, as the upfront cost is still higher than traditional vehicles and outweighs potential fuel savings down the line.

Recent polls seem to indicate that most Americans won’t make big changes until gas surpasses the $5 a gallon mark.

Some very encouraging news for the electric-gas Hybrid market was Ford and Toyota announcing in August 2011 that they’re going to work together on a gas-electric hybrid engine to power pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles. By working cooperatively and sharing development costs, they want to make this technology more affordable for customers.

Announcements such as the one made by Ford and Toyota are encouraging for consumers, and possibly we’ll see even more manufacturers announcing similar ventures or plans in order to make Hybrids even more competitively priced. is closely monitoring the Hybrid market and will provide updates as they become available.

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