Press Release Archives

Car Buyers Surprisingly Concerned About Seats When Choosing New Vehicles

February 4, 2008

You don’t see them featured much in car ads, but according to the results of a new survey, drivers and car buyers seem to be paying more attention to the area of the car they come in closest contact with–the seats.

A new poll by automotive consumer advice web site shows that a vast majority of car buyers rate the seating in their new car as "very" important in their buying decision.

Two-thirds, 66 percent, of respondents to an online poll conducted by the site among users of its price quote service said that they regarded seating as very important in their decision. Just under 30 percent said that it was a marginal factor and 4 percent said it wasn’t important at all. All of those polled stated they were within 30 days of buying a new car.

Close to 60 percent of the sample said that they had already sat in the driver’s seat of the car they were requesting a price quote on. Only 42 percent of those polled said they had sat in the rear seats.

A vast majority, 85 percent, said that the driver’s position was the most important consideration when looking at a new vehicle with only 15 percent giving passenger comfort top priority.

Experts suggest that careful inspection of the car seats during a test drive can reveal how much vibration is passed from the road to the driver and passengers. Ergonomic studies have suggested a link between car seats and lower back pain in drivers who frequently drive long distances.

It is also recommended that buyers check the seat for lateral support during cornering and sudden maneuvers.

The study was the latest in a series of surveys being taken by the consumer advice and price quote web site that provides one of the most current and comprehensive pictures of the buying habits and opinions of online car buyers.

For more information on this report or please contact the BuyingAdvice Insider Team.


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